Hanson meets the pope (ie. the Fesh and Cheps Ha

The Pope was touring Australia & took out a couple of days from
his itinerary to visit the northern tropics and the outback. Deep
into his visit, his 4WD Popemobile was driving alongside a river, when he
heard some splashing up ahead.

As he drew close, the Pope observed in the river, an Aboriginal
man struggling frantically with a crocodile, who had grasped the
poor guy in its powerful jaws.

At that moment, from around the river bend, a speedboat roared
into view, containing three people - Bruce Ruxton, Arthur Tunstall and
Pauline Hanson.

As the speedboat neared the struggling figures, Pauline Hanson
took aim and fired a harpoon into the crocodile's hide. Then Ruxton and
Tunstall pulled the man from the jaws of the crocodile and using long
clubs, beat the crocodile to death.

They bundled the semi-conscious man onto the speedboat, as well
as the dead croc and then approached the riverbank. The Pope was impressed
by what he had witnessed, so he went up to greet them. I give you my
blessings for your brave actions, he said. I had heard that there were some
racist xenophobic people trying to divide Australia's community - but now I
can see that your society is a truly enlightened example of racial harmony
and could serve as a model for other nations to follow.

As the Popemobile drove off, Pauline Hanson asked the others:
Who was that? Ruxton answered That was His Holiness the Pope. He is in
direct contact with God and has access to all God?s wisdom. Pauline
remarked, Well, he knows sweet f*ck-all about crocodile hunting!

What condition is the bait in?

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